Or call +44 (0)1298 74040 and speak to one of our experts.
Whakarewarewa in Rotorua is a living Maori village. The Tuhourangi/Ngati Wahiao people have shared their heritage with visitors from all over the world for more than 200 years.
Or call +44 (0)1298 74040 and speak to one of our experts.
A living Maori village
Here you will be able see geothermal activity close up and appreciate the beauty of pristine mineral pools, bubbling geothermal mud and not least the mighty Pohutu Geyser, the largest geyser in New Zealand which erupts up to 15 times a day shooting hot water up to around 30m in the air.
This traditional Maori village offers the chance to enjoy cultural performances each day and also to learn more about age-old traditions and the Tuhourangi/Ngati Wahiao culture. There is also an opportunity to try out a traditional Hangi meal, cooked in a pit of hot stones with layers of flax and earth.
Guided tours will explain the heritage of this proud people and share with you their philosophy, values and environment which they are protecting for future generations.
In the area...