Or call +44 (0)1298 74040 and speak to one of our experts.
Just ten minutes from central Wellington, Zealandia is home to some of New Zealand's most threatened and extraordinary wildlife.
Or call +44 (0)1298 74040 and speak to one of our experts.
An immersive experience
Inside at Zealandia you will find an exhibition charting New Zealand’s natural history over the last thousand years, how the arrival of humans damaged this fragile eco-system, and the steps now being taken to protect and restore this native and unique biodiversity.
The exibition makes the most of the best interactive technologies, including a light and sound show on an 11m screen that immerses you into the thousands of years of New Zealand’s history.
Outside at Zealandia is the world’s first fully-fenced wildlife sanctuary covering a staggering 550 acres and providing a safe haven for rare endemic animals such as the kaka or bush parrot and the tuatara lizard.
A must visit
There are dozens of reptile and amphibian species in the Karori Sanctuary, as well as over thirty types of birds, hundreds of plants and, as you can therefore imagine, thousands of invertabrates. All of these native species are protected by the pest-free environment created within the perimeter fence, ensuring that the re-introduced native animals and plants thrive.
A network of trails allows visitors to walk through the sanctuary and admire this distinctive habitat, encountering some of the rarest wildlife in the world firsthand. Rangers hold free talks four times a day for visitors to learn that little bit more about individual species and also about the sanctuary and its incredible work.
Zealandia is one of the most dedicated conservation organisations in New Zealand, and the Karori Sanctuary is really making a difference in preserving some of New Zealand’s most precious wildlife. A must visit.
get in touchOr call +44 (0)1298 74040 and speak to one of our experts.
The best experience of our lives
Thank you so much for making the best experience of our lives possible. We travelled the southern hemisphere and saw 5 wonderful countries in 5 months without having a single problem bigger than a flat tyre. New Zealand In Depth made our time away stress free and Paul could not have been more helpful than he was, saving us money with great advice when we needed to change a flight and just generally being available when we needed him. We particularly enjoyed New Zealand’s beautiful South Island and especially the area around Queenstown. Apart from this our highlights would have to be hiking up the Franz Josef Glacier, playing with baby lions at Paradise Valley Springs in Rotorua, white water rafting, lying on the beach watching whales jump in Australia and elephant trekking in Thailand. We will be forever in your debt and thanks again for a fantastic service. Sasha Lyon and Jason Oakley
get in touchOr call +44 (0)1298 74040 and speak to one of our experts.
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